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grey hardwood floor

Is Grey The Right Color For Your Hardwood Floor?

Keeping up with the latest trends in home improvement has always been a priority for real estate agents. If a listing client is doing a big remodel in order to get top dollar, it’s good to be able to recommend the best approach when it comes to design/layout/colors/etc.

So what of this phenomenon with grey hardwood floors? Is grey here to stay or will it soon go away? Grey can definitely provide a contemporary look to a home and can even help tie-in modern and traditional if done right. It’s a touchy color to work with when it comes to hardwood flooring. The majority of the home-owners we work with prefer a light-grey tone which can be hard to achieve depending on the species of wood we are working with.

So what are some of the best approaches your clients can take to get the shade of grey they want?

The absolute best approach would be to go with a prefinished hardwood floor that already exemplifies the tone of grey they are looking for. These floors are ready right out of the box and just need to be installed, no sanding or staining required. They’ll also be able to pick the species they like best, one that contains the natural characteristics they are looking for. For example – maple has a clean/contemporary look whereas Oaks are more warm/traditional. But, they both look great in grey!

Manufacturers of hardwood flooring know grey is IN right now so they’ve made available the many shades of grey. I don’t know about 50, but home owners will have plenty of options to pick from when they are hardwood floor shopping. Just make sure you do that with us!