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hardwood flooring installer

Hardwood Flooring Mistakes To Look Out For!

You probably already know this but not every hardwood flooring company can deliver such exceptional work as we can. Things can happen on a job (though, they don’t on ours 😉 and sometimes there are blemishes to address. Installation and especially refinishing of hardwood floors requires an eye for detail and a steady hand. When mistakes are made, no one is happy. Here are some hardwood flooring errors and why they happen…(not to us, I’m saying…the other guys..),

Installation –

* Gaps in-between boards

Caused by not checking moisture content of subfloor and floor. Could also be caused by using an insufficient amount of nails or not spacing the nails correctly.

* Buckled boards

Could also be cause by moisture but also by not leaving enough of a gap between floor and wall to allow for expansion and contraction. Also caused by installing over an unlevel subfloor.

* Uneven pattern

Caused by not setting a line square with the rest of the house.

* Chips and cracks and on boards

Caused by using wrong gauge for nail-gun, faulty compressor or using wrong nail size.

Refinishing –

* Chatter marks (looks like ripples in the wood)

Almost always related to the sanding machine being in need of repair.

* Sanding marks

Caused by improper technique. Can show as cuts in the wood, swirl marks or scratches.

* Blotchy/Uneven stain

Caused by not water-popping the hardwood floor prior to staining. Also caused by poor technique used when applying stain. Another factor could be not following the correct grit schedule.

* Rough finish

Caused by not eliminating all residual dust/debris before applying urethane, which then gets trapped in the finish.

A professional hardwood flooring company (like us) has a process to be followed that ensures these mistakes never happen. Getting it done right the 1st time is our priority because we know mistakes can be costly. If you’ve been on a hardwood flooring job and have seen any of the above, run away fast and be glad knowing your go-to hardwood flooring company (us) would never do such things.