When house shoppers open the front door they love to see all rooms on 1st floor linked together. So many homes have various flooring products for different rooms. How many times have you seen tile in the foyer and kitchen, carpet in the family room or den, and usually hardwood for the living and dining rooms? This gives a very choppy feel and compartmentalizes the rooms.
I say rip it all up and start anew! Run a hardwood floor from left to right (or front to back) and see how things immediately open up! Every room can still have it’s own personality and the hardwood floor will be the trail taken from one ambience to the other. The random lengths and natural variation of the boards gives a warm and natural feel that tile/carpet/vinyl never will.
Next time a prospective buyer is turned off by the choppy feel of the layout on an otherwise promising listing, let them know your hardwood flooring contractor can open things up by laying hardwood flooring down.